Since the inception of human life in the world, God Almighty revealed Messengers for the salvation and amelioration of Human beings. Their teachings were meant to lead human beings to the righteous path and guide them for attaining better life. With the emergence of Holy Prophet and revelations of the Quran the religion of Islam ascended to its zenith. He too conveyed the message of God just like His predecessors and vowed about ensuring the welfare of Human beings. The Quran emphatically asserts that those who adhere to the teachings of God and Messengers earn enviable place here and here-after and those who fail to capitalize upon, are destined to be ruined. Today, the Ummah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has been passing through a critical time. The perpetual decline in the Muslim world is attributed to social, economic injustices, despotism and above all deviation from the established principles of the Quran and Hadith. Tahir-ul-Qadri has contemplated over the appalling conditions of the Muslim Ummah and voiced about bringing a revolution in the light of the Quran and Hadith. He thinks that the only remedy for all prevalent ills lies in bringing revolution on the basis of the Quran and Hadith. In order to animate the sordid sculpture of the Muslims, this book has been brought out with meaningful connotations. The book has been written in Urdu language. It comprises two volumes. At the end of each volume, the author has provided a primary source from his personal diary in which he wrote about the idea of Qurani Falsaf-e-Inaqilab (revolution). The first volume is divided into nine chapters. The first chapter of the first volume begins with the conceptual frame of revolution. He has presented Quranic perspective over philosophy of revolution comprehensively. He quotes a Quranic verse expressively ‘Issi Trha Hum Na Tumhary Andar Sa Apna Rasool Bheja Jo Tum Per Humari Aayatain Talawat Frmata Ha aur Tumhain Pak Saaf Karta aur Tumhain Kitab Ki Taleem Data Ha or Hikmat-o-Danai Sikhata Ha aur Tumhain vo Sikhata ha Jo Tum Na Janty Thay (Translation) “Just as We have sent among you a messenger from yourselves reciting to you Our verses and purifying you and teaching you the Book and wisdom and teaching you that which you did not know”. Those who remained submissive and followed Messengers were successful and those who flouted their teachings were reduced to nothing. He writes in a prolific manner and impressively justifies the theoretical construction of Quranic Falsafa-e- Inqilab. The author convincingly proceeds to describe the historical decline of Ummah in the second chapter. The author has classified the struggle of the Holy Prophet in three phases. i) Period before Revolution, ii) Period of Revolution, iii) Period after Revolution. He contends that when the Muslims turned away from the real teachings of the Holy Prophet and the Quran, they fell to deplorable plight. The socio-economic and political chaos crept in. The impact was highly catastrophic in nature. Third chapter relates to ‘Changes in Political Thought’. Here concepts like elections, representation, political parties and political structure have been illuminated. The fourth chapter ‘Changes in Economic Thought’ covers historical underpinnings of economic matters, fiscal policies and monetary plans developed by the Muslim rulers. It encapsulates eleven principles of distributing wealth in the Muslim society. Thus develops a very interesting analysis of economic discourse. He has narrated Changes in ‘Jurisprudence & Legal Thought’ in the fifth chapter, here the author cogitates over various aspects of Fiqqah and also advances discussion on the concept of Ijtihad and its practicability. The ‘Changes in Social Thought’ has been highlighted in the sixth chapter in which the author broods over ethical bias and enlists prejudices on the basis of caste system in the society. Here he proposes remedies like restructuring family, Mosques, seminaries, and state etc. READ MORE>>>